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Fluid Engine on Squarespace 7.1

Well Fluid Engine has been out in the wild for a few months, and I’ve been using it more and more, I’ve even started building client websites from scratch with it.

What is Squarespace Fluid Engine?

Squarespace Fluid Engine is a powerful feature that allows website designers and creators to build flexible and responsive designs without any coding or programming skills. In this blog, we'll take a closer look at Squarespace Fluid Engine, how it works, and its benefits.

Squarespace Fluid Engine is a design feature offered by the popular website building platform, Squarespace. It allows users to create flexible, fluid designs that can adjust and adapt to different screen sizes, resolutions, and devices. Essentially, Squarespace Fluid Engine makes it possible for your website to look great and function well on any device, whether it's a desktop computer, tablet, or smartphone.

How does Squarespace Fluid Engine work?

Squarespace Fluid Engine uses a combination of flexible layout options, responsive design elements, and automated resizing technology to create designs that are fluid and adaptable. This means that your website can automatically adjust its layout, fonts, images, and other design elements to fit any screen size, without distorting or breaking the content.

One of the key features of Squarespace Fluid Engine is its grid-based system, which is based on CSS grid technology. This grid system allows users to create flexible layouts that automatically adjust to the available screen space, while still maintaining a consistent and cohesive design.

Another feature of Squarespace Fluid Engine is its responsive typography, which adjusts font sizes and styles based on the device being used. This ensures that your website is always easy to read and looks great, regardless of the device or screen size.

What are the benefits of Squarespace Fluid Engine?

There are several benefits to using Squarespace Fluid Engine, including:

  1. Improved user experience: With Squarespace Fluid Engine, your website will look great and function well on any device, which can improve the user experience and help keep visitors engaged.

  2. Reduced design time: Because Squarespace Fluid Engine handles the resizing and layout adjustments automatically, you can save time on design and coding tasks. This means you can focus more on creating content and improving your website's overall performance.

  3. Consistent branding: With Squarespace Fluid Engine, you can create a cohesive and consistent brand experience across all devices, which can help improve brand recognition and trust.

  4. Enhanced SEO: Squarespace Fluid Engine's responsive design elements can help improve your website's SEO performance by making it more accessible and easier to navigate for users on different devices.

More rambling thoughts…

It’s very easy to go two ways with new technology; either we can look at the negatives and push back (find that opt-out button) and ignore it, sticking to what we’re used to and hoping that the change won’t affect us; or we can dive headlong into the new tech excited by the possibilities and ignore the problems and bugs. I’m trying to take a middle ground with Fluid Engine. My first thought was to jump in, but then I couldn’t achieve what I was used to achieving with the Classic Editor, and I saw unresolved problems and threw the brakes on pretty hard. I tried to have a hybrid approach, mixing and matching classic and Fluid sections on pages to try and have the best of both worlds, but it was never going to be a long-term solution, and it certainly wouldn’t produce a website that I would be comfortable handing off to a client and expecting them to deal with two different editors.

Some of those initial problems have been solved and Fluid Engine is rather usable now.